Kifayatul Akhyar Terjemah

by PonPon Media

Books & Reference


Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah finally PonPon Media has successfully completed the application Ki...

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Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah finally PonPon Media has successfully completed the application Kifayatul Akhyar Translation. Kifayah al-Akhyar This is a book of fiqh that is quite concise but very detail in explaining the laws of fiqh such as purification, prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj, will, inheritance, marriage, and so on. It is also equipped with the arguments that form the legal basis of the discussion topic.The book of Kifayah al-Akhyar is a book of fiqh that is quite well known in the al-Shafii school. It was compiled by Sheikh al-Imam Taqiyuddin Abu Bakr bin Muhammad al-Husaini al-Hishni al-Dimasyqi al-Syafii. A scholar of the al-Shafii school of thought who was born around the 9th century Hijrah.The full name of this book is “Kifayatu Al-Akhyar Fi Halli Ghoyati Al-Ikhtishor” (كفاية الأخيار ل اية الاختصار). The meaning of "kifayah" is "sufficient". Lafaz "Al-Akhyar" is the plural form of "khoir" which can be interpreted as "the best human being". "Hall" can be interpreted as "describe". So, overall, the meaning of this book seems to be intended as a book whose contents are sufficient for good people who want to study religion (or represent the best scholars in terms of mensyarah), namely by outlining, explaining and narrating a book called "Ghoyatu Al -Ikhtishor".This book is sometimes referred to and abbreviated as “Al-Kifayah” (الكفاية). Its just that this mention needs to be careful. The reason is, among the mutaqoddimin, if it is called "Al-Kifayah", their perception is "Kifayatu Al-Nabih" by Ibn Ar-Rifah which is a syarah from the book "At-Tanbih" by Ash-Syirozi. The difference between these two "Kifayah" must be considered because there is often ambiguity among students of knowledge. The mention of "Al-Kifayah" means "Kifayatu Al-Akhyar" is if it is called after the Al-Hishni period (829 H).This book was written by Taqiyyuddin Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Al-Hishni. In short it is called Al-Hishni or Taqiyyuddin Al-Hishni. The person is virtuous, friendly to his students, happy to be ruzlah, and authoritative. He is not only an expert in jurisprudence but also a hadith expert. Among his works related to hadith is his takhrij of the book Ihya Ulumiddin by Al-Ghozzali. Unfortunately, this work is not yet complete.The targets for writing this book are two kinds of people, as explained by Al-Hishni himself. First; people who have dependents who do not have the opportunity to start with the ulama. Second: Salik (worship experts) who focus on worship, not focus on knowledge. For this reason, although this book is in the form of a syarah, its contents are concise. Not too short and not too long. This book is not written for scholars who intend to be "steadfast" (exploring and mastering thoroughly).This book is a syarah from "Matan Abu Syuja" or also called "Ghoyah Al-Ikhtishor" or "Al-Ghoyah Wa At-Taqrib" or "Mukhtashor Abu Syuja" or "At-Taqrib ” or “Al Ghoyah”. Matan Abu Syuja is one of the famous matan in the Ash-Shafii madhhab.Application Features Kifayatul Akhyar Translate :- Offline Application Without Internet Connection- Lightweight And Fast Application- Applications can be downloaded for FREE- Attractive Design, Simple And Easy To Use- Share feature- Page Zoom Feature (With Smartphone Screen Swipe)This Kifayatul Akhyar Translation application may still be far from perfect, therefore we are very open to receiving criticism and suggestions from all users. You can send criticism and suggestions for the development of this application. Hopefully this application Kifayatul Akhyar Translation is useful for all of us and congratulations on using this Kifayatul Akhyar Terjemah application from your respective devices. Thank you.